Joining the DOTS on suffering

  1. What are the main thoughts and feelings showing up in your life that are problematic? Record these under the headings Body (feelings, sensations, urges, cravings, physical symptoms) and Mind (thoughts, memories, beliefs, worries, judgments).

  2. Distraction: How have you tried to distract yourself from these thoughts and feelings?

  3. Opting out: We often opt out (quit, avoid, or withdraw from) of people, places, activities, and situations when we don’t like the thoughts and feelings they bring up for us. What are some of the things you opt out of?

  4. Thinking: How have you tried to think your way out of it? (e.g. blaming others, worrying, rehashing the past, fantasizing, positive thinking, problem-solving, planning, self- criticism, ‘What if?’, ‘If only’, ‘Why me?’, ‘Not fair!’, analyzing, trying to make sense of it, debating with yourself, denial, beating yourself up, etc.)

  5. Substances, Self-Harm, and other Strategies: What substances have you tried putting into your body (including food and prescription medication)? Have you ever tried self-harming activities, including more passive strategies like thoughtless risk-taking or gratuitously exposing yourself to something you know causes distress? Any other strategies you can think of, e.g. excessive sleeping? Did these strategies get rid of your painful thoughts and feelings in the long term? When you have used these strategies excessively, rigidly, inappropriately, or, in some cases, used them at all, what have they cost you in terms of health, vitality, energy, relationships, work, leisure, money, missed opportunities, wasted time?