The Rule of Two- my housekeeping principle - Blog - Ruby Klover
The Rule of Two: my housekeeping principle | Blog | Ruby Klover
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Having too much choice discourages actually making a good choice. Orin other words, if you limit the number of ways you can fuck up,you’ll fuck up less. ⤴️
The Rule of Two entailsthe following: don’t have more than 2 sets of something, and use theplacement of items in your house to encourage yourself to actually puteffort into something. ⤴️
In other words, get yourself 1 plate, 1 fork, 1 spoon, and 1 knife.Get yourself another set of these items, but hide it away from yoursight in a way that’s difficult to undo. This way, you’ll have onlyone set of usable dishes that need to be washed after use + anadditional set of redundant dishes in case you accidentally break yetanother plate. ⤴️