
from Exercism

x = 10
y = 5

# The comparison > returns the bool True,
# so the statement is printed.

if x > y:
	print("x is greater than y")
>>> x is greater than y

When paired with if, an optional else code block is executed when the original if condition returns False.

x = 5
y = 10

if x > y:
	print("x is greater than y")
	print("y is greater than x")
>>> y is greater than x

elif allows for multiple evaluations.

x = 5 
y = 10
z = 20

if x > y > z:
	print("x is greater than y and z")
elif y > x > z:
	print("y is greater than x and z")
	print("z is greater than x and y")
>>> z is greater than x and y