Pandas Intro

From Great Learning.

panel data - data manipulation & data analysis

single dimesional - series object; multi-dimensional - data frame

index on the left - series object on the right
import pandas as pd

0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
dtype: int64



changing index values


a 1
b 2
c 3
d 4
e 5
dtype: int64

# you can also create a series object from a dictionary

pd.Series({'a':10, 'b':20, 'c':30})

a 10
b 20
c 30
dtype: int64

changing index positions

pd.Series({'a':10, 'b':20, 'c':30}, index=['b', 'c', 'd', 'a'])

b 20.0
c 30.0
d NaN
a 10.0
dtype: float64

extracting a single element



extracting a sequence of elements


0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
dtype: int64

extracting elements from back


6 7
7 8
8 9
dtype: int64


labelled data structure

pd.DataFrame({"Name":['Bob', 'Sam', 'Anne'], "Marks":[76,25,92]})
Name Marks
0 Bob 76
1 Sam 25
2 Anne 92

built in functions

head(), describe(), tail(), shape()
Item Id Item Name Profit Amount Avg Price Per Unit Home Price Home Updated Lowest Price Profit % Return on Investment % Average Sales Per Hour Lowest Price Server Lowest Price Stack Size Lowest Price Last Update Time Universalis Link NPC Vendor Info
0 6555 Flame Armoire 99999999999 63599 0 1690962981907 31499 99999999999 100 0.0312 Faerie - Aether 1 1691261694402 NaN
1 6575 Oasis Pillar 99999999999 50652 0 1691256291753 32801 99999999999 100 1.8732 Jenova - Aether 1 1691253930152 NaN
2 6634 Manor Fireplace 99999999999 97832 0 1691182440703 58265 99999999999 100 0.0727 Marilith - Dynamis 1 1691137415776 NaN
3 7073 Riviera Table Chronometer 99999999999 32447 0 1691240070049 5000 99999999999 100 0.0495 Sold By Vendor - None 9999 1691270066000
4 7987 Glade Cushion 99999999999 69995 0 1691166020775 42000 99999999999 100 0.0231 Leviathan - Primal 1 1690835862018 NaN
Item Id Item Name Profit Amount Avg Price Per Unit Home Price Home Updated Lowest Price Profit % Return on Investment % Average Sales Per Hour Lowest Price Server Lowest Price Stack Size Lowest Price Last Update Time Universalis Link NPC Vendor Info
43 7975 Potted Dragon Tree 79155 49979 105095 1691179386517 20685 382 79 0.1244 Mateus - Crystal 1 1691266482712 NaN
44 15970 Mounted Box Shelf 76274 84765 88568 1691254655669 7865 969 90 0.0135 Behemoth - Primal 1 1691260353266 NaN
45 28979 Lord Commander Portrait 75554 138498 145845 1691265707022 62998 119 54 0.0151 Halicarnassus - Dynamis 1 1691235970683 NaN
46 35563 Heavenly Ornamental Array 75200 112480 117810 1691206668234 36719 204 67 0.0214 Ultros - Primal 1 1691264483103 NaN
47 40649 Far Eastern Indoor Bamboo Fountain 75195 94979 99047 1691250170265 18899 397 79 0.0559 Sargatanas - Aether 1 1691267735956 NaN

(48, 15)

Item Id Profit Amount Avg Price Per Unit Home Price Home Updated Lowest Price Profit % Return on Investment % Average Sales Per Hour Lowest Price Stack Size Lowest Price Last Update Time
count 48.000000 4.800000e+01 4.800000e+01 4.800000e+01 4.800000e+01 4.800000e+01 4.800000e+01 48.000000 48.000000 48.000000 4.800000e+01
mean 20189.041667 2.916704e+10 2.669432e+05 5.297058e+05 1.691184e+12 1.779048e+05 2.916667e+10 76.395833 0.075617 417.583333 1.691197e+12
std 12151.899599 4.593373e+10 3.854437e+05 1.415637e+06 1.038352e+08 3.450308e+05 4.593396e+10 23.177153 0.266401 2019.005483 1.157147e+08
min 6483.000000 7.519500e+04 3.106600e+04 0.000000e+00 1.690826e+12 1.000000e+03 3.700000e+01 27.000000 0.012500 1.000000 1.690753e+12
25% 7992.500000 1.022592e+05 7.019675e+04 0.000000e+00 1.691179e+12 2.468800e+04 1.417500e+02 58.000000 0.018100 1.000000 1.691177e+12
50% 17535.000000 2.877000e+05 1.027210e+05 1.522370e+05 1.691210e+12 5.151850e+04 4.485000e+02 81.000000 0.028050 1.000000 1.691250e+12
75% 29338.750000 1.000000e+11 2.286100e+05 3.674708e+05 1.691255e+12 1.309860e+05 1.000000e+11 100.000000 0.050925 1.000000 1.691265e+12
max 40649.000000 1.000000e+11 1.875000e+06 9.397500e+06 1.691269e+12 1.680000e+06 1.000000e+11 100.000000 1.873200 9999.000000 1.691270e+12
Item Id Item Name
0 6555 Flame Armoire
1 6575 Oasis Pillar
2 6634 Manor Fireplace
saddlebag.loc[0:20,("Item Name", "Profit Amount")]
Item Name Profit Amount
0 Flame Armoire 99999999999
1 Oasis Pillar 99999999999
2 Manor Fireplace 99999999999
3 Riviera Table Chronometer 99999999999
4 Glade Cushion 99999999999
5 Oasis Cushion 99999999999
6 Manor Sofa 99999999999
7 Oasis Half Partition 99999999999
8 Alpine Inner Wall 99999999999
9 Thal's Respite Painting 99999999999
10 Odder Otter Cottage Walls 99999999999
11 Ale Tap 99999999999
12 Elemental Wheel 99999999999
13 Morbol Screen 99999999999
14 Sofa Cushions 8881951
15 Matanga Lamp 1312495
16 Allagan Tomestone of Frivolity 835275
17 Syrcus Tower 687392
18 Infernal Archfiend Cloak 637785
19 Water Lilies 577501
20 Titania Shadow Box 571725

dropping columns

saddlebag.drop("Profit Amount",axis=1)
Item Id Item Name Avg Price Per Unit Home Price Home Updated Lowest Price Profit % Return on Investment % Average Sales Per Hour Lowest Price Server Lowest Price Stack Size Lowest Price Last Update Time Universalis Link NPC Vendor Info
0 6555 Flame Armoire 63599 0 1690962981907 31499 99999999999 100 0.0312 Faerie - Aether 1 1691261694402 NaN
1 6575 Oasis Pillar 50652 0 1691256291753 32801 99999999999 100 1.8732 Jenova - Aether 1 1691253930152 NaN
2 6634 Manor Fireplace 97832 0 1691182440703 58265 99999999999 100 0.0727 Marilith - Dynamis 1 1691137415776 NaN
3 7073 Riviera Table Chronometer 32447 0 1691240070049 5000 99999999999 100 0.0495 Sold By Vendor - None 9999 1691270066000
4 7987 Glade Cushion 69995 0 1691166020775 42000 99999999999 100 0.0231 Leviathan - Primal 1 1690835862018 NaN
5 7988 Oasis Cushion 89999 0 1691176899131 50925 99999999999 100 0.0217 Jenova - Aether 1 1691265479902 NaN
6 8806 Manor Sofa 70264 0 1691186177049 33600 99999999999 100 0.0633 Lamia - Primal 1 1691208001250 NaN
7 12096 Oasis Half Partition 31066 0 1691241506894 25148 99999999999 100 0.0633 Malboro - Crystal 1 1691207746595 NaN
8 14070 Alpine Inner Wall 54701 0 1691254575499 32550 99999999999 100 0.1148 Siren - Aether 1 1691131840800 NaN
9 17092 Thal's Respite Painting 100000 0 1691116167467 1000 99999999999 100 0.0141 Sold By Vendor - None 9999 1691270066000
10 22533 Odder Otter Cottage Walls 879843 0 1691210665070 1563215 99999999999 100 0.0363 Balmung - Crystal 1 1690752596182 NaN
11 28145 Ale Tap 98530 0 1691262214718 20990 99999999999 100 0.0783 Excalibur - Primal 1 1691256726616 NaN
12 32232 Elemental Wheel 101560 0 1691196839675 101850 99999999999 100 0.0361 Exodus - Primal 1 1691142008827 NaN
13 6582 Morbol Screen 100870 0 1691043171208 83999 99999999999 100 0.0181 Jenova - Aether 1 1691268465520 NaN
14 23896 Sofa Cushions 86185 9397500 1691257378798 45674 19446 99 0.0552 Ultros - Primal 1 1691249791377 NaN
15 17978 Matanga Lamp 1875000 3149995 1691190911617 1680000 78 43 0.0182 Gilgamesh - Aether 1 1691222093913 NaN
16 28146 Allagan Tomestone of Frivolity 199997 1039500 1691265143778 152250 548 84 0.0136 Seraph - Dynamis 1 1691143313668 NaN
17 8785 Syrcus Tower 55966 782250 1691009867086 55745 1233 92 0.0216 Sargatanas - Aether 1 1691109064053 NaN
18 39410 Infernal Archfiend Cloak 1258379 1321248 1691251218471 617400 103 50 0.0178 Mateus - Crystal 1 1691268921388 NaN
19 7994 Water Lilies 793333 1050000 1691199664126 419999 137 57 0.0188 Seraph - Dynamis 1 1691264281830 NaN
20 27300 Titania Shadow Box 1181970 1207500 1691262749498 575400 99 49 0.0466 Exodus - Primal 1 1691266644580 NaN
21 22530 Solid-brick Interior Wall 51428 525000 1691197952496 23308 2039 95 0.0427 Midgardsormr - Aether 1 1691258244260 NaN
22 38953 Sukiya-zukuri Cottage Walls 994976 1044748 1691268765287 624320 58 37 0.0217 Adamantoise - Aether 1 1691269595890 NaN
23 6483 Lotus Parasol 187979 525000 1691243690462 199500 150 60 0.0440 Brynhildr - Crystal 1 1691214275895 NaN
24 30418 Stuffed Estinien 304999 315000 1691088590706 23100 1195 92 0.0125 Diabolos - Crystal 1 1691020715556 NaN
25 15956 Compact Level 6 Aetherial Wheel Stand 800000 840000 1690826005937 525000 52 34 0.0181 Adamantoise - Aether 1 1691259253768 NaN
26 39388 Allagan Terminal Alpha 81399 392658 1691254113995 112451 231 69 0.0346 Seraph - Dynamis 1 1691255452187 NaN
27 8815 Large Woven Rug 254500 315000 1691210069330 123898 141 58 0.0199 Exodus - Primal 1 1691262100297 NaN
28 14050 Pudding Settee 193939 203637 1691043751774 21000 821 89 0.0273 Halicarnassus - Dynamis 1 1690850132827 NaN
29 33250 Cloud Acorn Chandelier 46350 210000 1690945044715 42000 375 78 0.0168 Excalibur - Primal 1 1691119066120 NaN
30 6668 Nymian Wall Lantern 165193 198450 1691217212123 52112 261 72 0.0337 Gilgamesh - Aether 1 1691133741891 NaN
31 9771 Star Chandelier 219980 230977 1691205083770 83999 161 61 0.0292 Marilith - Dynamis 1 1691267676754 NaN
32 7068 Goldsmithing Bench 199897 209470 1691238646815 81900 142 58 0.0158 Malboro - Crystal 1 1691191479397 NaN
33 8004 Glade Hedgewall 120000 126000 1690925863956 9678 1136 91 0.0127 Gilgamesh - Aether 1 1691188851883 NaN
34 33275 Icebox 324736 359075 1691201381989 236250 44 30 0.0288 Goblin - Crystal 1 1691266794855 NaN
35 40626 Botanical Candle Display 45732 152224 1691261911567 42058 243 70 0.1105 Excalibur - Primal 1 1691263532352 NaN
36 36872 Highland Cottage Wall (Wood) 49499 118864 1691122457146 11545 878 89 0.0141 Coeurl - Crystal 1 1691230803291 NaN
37 22550 Leather Bags 109998 126000 1691263172829 19950 500 83 0.0181 Zalera - Crystal 1 1691264626731 NaN
38 40624 Imitation Curtained Window 103882 131748 1691268849194 26245 376 79 0.0583 Sargatanas - Aether 1 1691179926101 NaN
39 28967 Wine Rack 73277 157500 1691262749233 52500 185 64 0.0739 Adamantoise - Aether 1 1691238821779 NaN
40 28140 Imposing Ishgardian Shelf 269971 283466 1691225840160 178385 50 33 0.0182 Behemoth - Primal 1 1691245415779 NaN
41 7072 Cooking Stove 144999 152250 1691208143167 63753 126 55 0.0187 Leviathan - Primal 1 1691168342746 NaN
42 22581 Miniature Heaven-on-High 297651 304455 1691259106481 210000 37 27 0.0422 Hyperion - Primal 1 1691249604497 NaN
43 7975 Potted Dragon Tree 49979 105095 1691179386517 20685 382 79 0.1244 Mateus - Crystal 1 1691266482712 NaN
44 15970 Mounted Box Shelf 84765 88568 1691254655669 7865 969 90 0.0135 Behemoth - Primal 1 1691260353266 NaN
45 28979 Lord Commander Portrait 138498 145845 1691265707022 62998 119 54 0.0151 Halicarnassus - Dynamis 1 1691235970683 NaN
46 35563 Heavenly Ornamental Array 112480 117810 1691206668234 36719 204 67 0.0214 Ultros - Primal 1 1691264483103 NaN
47 40649 Far Eastern Indoor Bamboo Fountain 94979 99047 1691250170265 18899 397 79 0.0559 Sargatanas - Aether 1 1691267735956 NaN
# dropping rows

Item Id Item Name Profit Amount Avg Price Per Unit Home Price Home Updated Lowest Price Profit % Return on Investment % Average Sales Per Hour Lowest Price Server Lowest Price Stack Size Lowest Price Last Update Time Universalis Link NPC Vendor Info
14 23896 Sofa Cushions 8881951 86185 9397500 1691257378798 45674 19446 99 0.0552 Ultros - Primal 1 1691249791377 NaN
15 17978 Matanga Lamp 1312495 1875000 3149995 1691190911617 1680000 78 43 0.0182 Gilgamesh - Aether 1 1691222093913 NaN
16 28146 Allagan Tomestone of Frivolity 835275 199997 1039500 1691265143778 152250 548 84 0.0136 Seraph - Dynamis 1 1691143313668 NaN
17 8785 Syrcus Tower 687392 55966 782250 1691009867086 55745 1233 92 0.0216 Sargatanas - Aether 1 1691109064053 NaN
18 39410 Infernal Archfiend Cloak 637785 1258379 1321248 1691251218471 617400 103 50 0.0178 Mateus - Crystal 1 1691268921388 NaN
19 7994 Water Lilies 577501 793333 1050000 1691199664126 419999 137 57 0.0188 Seraph - Dynamis 1 1691264281830 NaN
20 27300 Titania Shadow Box 571725 1181970 1207500 1691262749498 575400 99 49 0.0466 Exodus - Primal 1 1691266644580 NaN
21 22530 Solid-brick Interior Wall 475442 51428 525000 1691197952496 23308 2039 95 0.0427 Midgardsormr - Aether 1 1691258244260 NaN
22 38953 Sukiya-zukuri Cottage Walls 368190 994976 1044748 1691268765287 624320 58 37 0.0217 Adamantoise - Aether 1 1691269595890 NaN
23 6483 Lotus Parasol 299250 187979 525000 1691243690462 199500 150 60 0.0440 Brynhildr - Crystal 1 1691214275895 NaN
24 30418 Stuffed Estinien 276150 304999 315000 1691088590706 23100 1195 92 0.0125 Diabolos - Crystal 1 1691020715556 NaN
25 15956 Compact Level 6 Aetherial Wheel Stand 273000 800000 840000 1690826005937 525000 52 34 0.0181 Adamantoise - Aether 1 1691259253768 NaN
26 39388 Allagan Terminal Alpha 260574 81399 392658 1691254113995 112451 231 69 0.0346 Seraph - Dynamis 1 1691255452187 NaN
27 8815 Large Woven Rug 175352 254500 315000 1691210069330 123898 141 58 0.0199 Exodus - Primal 1 1691262100297 NaN
28 14050 Pudding Settee 172455 193939 203637 1691043751774 21000 821 89 0.0273 Halicarnassus - Dynamis 1 1690850132827 NaN
29 33250 Cloud Acorn Chandelier 157500 46350 210000 1690945044715 42000 375 78 0.0168 Excalibur - Primal 1 1691119066120 NaN
30 6668 Nymian Wall Lantern 136415 165193 198450 1691217212123 52112 261 72 0.0337 Gilgamesh - Aether 1 1691133741891 NaN
31 9771 Star Chandelier 135429 219980 230977 1691205083770 83999 161 61 0.0292 Marilith - Dynamis 1 1691267676754 NaN
32 7068 Goldsmithing Bench 117096 199897 209470 1691238646815 81900 142 58 0.0158 Malboro - Crystal 1 1691191479397 NaN
33 8004 Glade Hedgewall 110022 120000 126000 1690925863956 9678 1136 91 0.0127 Gilgamesh - Aether 1 1691188851883 NaN
34 33275 Icebox 104871 324736 359075 1691201381989 236250 44 30 0.0288 Goblin - Crystal 1 1691266794855 NaN
35 40626 Botanical Candle Display 102554 45732 152224 1691261911567 42058 243 70 0.1105 Excalibur - Primal 1 1691263532352 NaN
36 36872 Highland Cottage Wall (Wood) 101375 49499 118864 1691122457146 11545 878 89 0.0141 Coeurl - Crystal 1 1691230803291 NaN
37 22550 Leather Bags 99750 109998 126000 1691263172829 19950 500 83 0.0181 Zalera - Crystal 1 1691264626731 NaN
38 40624 Imitation Curtained Window 98915 103882 131748 1691268849194 26245 376 79 0.0583 Sargatanas - Aether 1 1691179926101 NaN
39 28967 Wine Rack 97125 73277 157500 1691262749233 52500 185 64 0.0739 Adamantoise - Aether 1 1691238821779 NaN
40 28140 Imposing Ishgardian Shelf 90907 269971 283466 1691225840160 178385 50 33 0.0182 Behemoth - Primal 1 1691245415779 NaN
41 7072 Cooking Stove 80884 144999 152250 1691208143167 63753 126 55 0.0187 Leviathan - Primal 1 1691168342746 NaN
42 22581 Miniature Heaven-on-High 79232 297651 304455 1691259106481 210000 37 27 0.0422 Hyperion - Primal 1 1691249604497 NaN
43 7975 Potted Dragon Tree 79155 49979 105095 1691179386517 20685 382 79 0.1244 Mateus - Crystal 1 1691266482712 NaN
44 15970 Mounted Box Shelf 76274 84765 88568 1691254655669 7865 969 90 0.0135 Behemoth - Primal 1 1691260353266 NaN
45 28979 Lord Commander Portrait 75554 138498 145845 1691265707022 62998 119 54 0.0151 Halicarnassus - Dynamis 1 1691235970683 NaN
46 35563 Heavenly Ornamental Array 75200 112480 117810 1691206668234 36719 204 67 0.0214 Ultros - Primal 1 1691264483103 NaN
47 40649 Far Eastern Indoor Bamboo Fountain 75195 94979 99047 1691250170265 18899 397 79 0.0559 Sargatanas - Aether 1 1691267735956 NaN
# saddlebag.mean()
# saddlebag.min()
# saddlebag.median()
# saddlebag.max()
# only works for ints, this .csv contains strings
def half(s):
    return s*0.5

saddlebag[["Profit Amount", "Avg Price Per Unit"]].apply(half)
Profit Amount Avg Price Per Unit
0 5.000000e+10 31799.5
1 5.000000e+10 25326.0
2 5.000000e+10 48916.0
3 5.000000e+10 16223.5
4 5.000000e+10 34997.5
5 5.000000e+10 44999.5
6 5.000000e+10 35132.0
7 5.000000e+10 15533.0
8 5.000000e+10 27350.5
9 5.000000e+10 50000.0
10 5.000000e+10 439921.5
11 5.000000e+10 49265.0
12 5.000000e+10 50780.0
13 5.000000e+10 50435.0
14 4.440976e+06 43092.5
15 6.562475e+05 937500.0
16 4.176375e+05 99998.5
17 3.436960e+05 27983.0
18 3.188925e+05 629189.5
19 2.887505e+05 396666.5
20 2.858625e+05 590985.0
21 2.377210e+05 25714.0
22 1.840950e+05 497488.0
23 1.496250e+05 93989.5
24 1.380750e+05 152499.5
25 1.365000e+05 400000.0
26 1.302870e+05 40699.5
27 8.767600e+04 127250.0
28 8.622750e+04 96969.5
29 7.875000e+04 23175.0
30 6.820750e+04 82596.5
31 6.771450e+04 109990.0
32 5.854800e+04 99948.5
33 5.501100e+04 60000.0
34 5.243550e+04 162368.0
35 5.127700e+04 22866.0
36 5.068750e+04 24749.5
37 4.987500e+04 54999.0
38 4.945750e+04 51941.0
39 4.856250e+04 36638.5
40 4.545350e+04 134985.5
41 4.044200e+04 72499.5
42 3.961600e+04 148825.5
43 3.957750e+04 24989.5
44 3.813700e+04 42382.5
45 3.777700e+04 69249.0
46 3.760000e+04 56240.0
47 3.759750e+04 47489.5
saddlebag['Lowest Price'].value_counts()

Lowest Price
83999 2
42000 2
31499 1
112451 1
123898 1
21000 1
52112 1
81900 1
9678 1
236250 1
42058 1
11545 1
19950 1
23100 1
26245 1
52500 1
178385 1
63753 1
210000 1
20685 1
7865 1
62998 1
36719 1
525000 1
199500 1
32801 1
20990 1
58265 1
5000 1
50925 1
33600 1
25148 1
32550 1
1000 1
1563215 1
101850 1
624320 1
45674 1
1680000 1
152250 1
55745 1
617400 1
419999 1
575400 1
23308 1
18899 1
Name: count, dtype: int64